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Jean Parisot de la Valette |
The odds against the Knights of Malta were incredible. Forty-thousands Turks and perpetual canon fire from Rhodes surly dismayed the last Knights of Christ. Yet they did not falter, and instead with their Side Swords, Pikes, and Muskets stood their ground against the enemy. These men should be a model for us as Christians today. We should be holding the territories of the Lord with the same resolve as these Maltese Chevaliers. Even if our enemy be massive like the Ottoman Army, we should stand our ground! Right now we are seeing a wave of Islamization. The Saracens are seizing Christians lands. Europe is beginning to fall, the French, once the most pious are now indifferent. England while still sovereign and Christian; has major sects of Jihadists. Prince Charles himself has become an Islamist. America is quickly being taken by Muslims (Melbourne, Michigan is under Shariah Law!). We in the US fear offending anyone who believes in Allah, while in turn our leaders persecute Christianity and infringe upon our liberties. It's interesting that this surge of Islam began on September 11, 2001 when Al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center. Did anyone notice the date? September 11th was when Knights of Malta had a miraculous victory against the Ottoman Empire. I think the Terrorists were trying to send us a message, but unfortunately people have forgotten their history. Holy War is upon us. Radical Islam is growing stronger and Christianity is weakening under Humanism and doctrines of Tolerance.
My question is are there any knights left? Who will defend Christendom now? Will we get a miracle like in 1565 or will we be caught in another Holocaust? I urge my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to not let the blood of the Martyrs be for nothing. Don't let the sacrifice of saints be in vain! Be on the alert and recognize the times we are living in! History is repeating itself and if we do not prepare, I fear what could have happened in 1565 will happen in this century.
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