There is movement rising in Christendom. It is a sect of believers who are returning to the Jewish roots of the faith. These brothers call themselves Messianics. The Messianic Movement is comprised of converted Jews and Christians who want to restore the Jewish roots of Christianity. The movement itself is noble, for many followers of Christ have a Greco-Roman understanding of the Bible and their faith. Which is inadequate because the Bible takes place in a Jewish culture, with Jewish people and with a Jewish savior. Jesus Christ was a Jew. He came from the Davidic line on both sides: Mary and Joseph were both descendants of David. In fact, it was imperative that Jesus was the Son of David, because it was prophesied that the messiah had to be of the Davidic line. Jesus wouldn't have been called Jesus by most of his disciples or his family. He would have gone by the named Yeshua, spelled YIW' in the Hebrew. Jesus is the Greek name for Christ. So he would have likely been called such by Romans (when they weren't speaking Latin) and by Gentiles.
The Jewishness of Jesus is important, because it helps us understand our savior. When you examine some of the events, some of the things Christ did, they are puzzling to us because we live in a Post Greco-Roman culture. Jesus lived in a Jewish culture. For example we understand that a disciple is someone who is learning under a wise teacher. However, the real word in Hebrew is Talmidim, which means disciple but also that the disciple wants to become the master in every way. A Rabbi chose many disciples or Talmidim and their role was to learn his ways (his yoke) and become exactly like him. The Talmidim would even walk behind their Rabbi and let the his dust cover them, because they wanted to emulate their teacher; they wanted his essence to become theirs.
Another Jewish understanding of the Bible that has been lost is the Sacrifice of Isaac. Theologians translated the word God spoke to Abraham as "sacrifice." However in the original Aramaic and Hebrew word is really "dedicate." Now to Abraham to dedicate would be the same as sacrifice. For Abraham had been accustom to the heathen gods and the ritual of sacrificing the first born. This puts to rest the dispute that God ever asked for human sacrifice.
A major event in Christ's life was his baptism. I had often wondered why is was so significant. Yes it was when the Father declared,. "This is my son and in whom I am well pleased." Despite the sacred act, I didn't quite understand why it was necessary for Christ to be baptised when He is the Son of God. Then as I read the Jewish understanding of it, you come to find out that Christ has to be ordained into the Aaronic priesthood and John the Baptist was the last of that priestly line. All the Pharisees and Sadducees were not of the line of Aaron, they didn't have the true authority, they had bought their seats. In addition to that Jesus had to have the Aaronic blessing, he had to receive the authority of two Rabbis. It is custom in the Jewish tradition that for a Rabbi to be ordained he must have two elder Rabbis lay hands on him and give him the anointing. Christ received this from his Father and John the Baptist who was the last of the true priests. In this way Our Lord fulfilled the requirement before God and Man.
These are but a few samplings of understanding you will gain if you look at the Bible from the Judeo point of view. However, I must caution that there is a deception that disguises itself as the Messianic Movement and the Jewish Roots but is really heresy. True Messianics profess to follow Christ, and while they keep their Jewish traditions they don't seek to impose them on Gentile Christians. These True Messianics observe the Feasts of the Lord because they grew up with them and enjoy them; especially now that they see the Messiah in all the feasts. Unfortunately, there are Messianic Mimics; Neo-Pharisees that claim all Christians must follow the Law and Jewish Traditions in order to be truly saved. This is reminiscent of what the Apostle Paul had to deal with in Act 15. He was trying to get the Gentile Christians he had evangelized recognized by the Church of Jerusalem and a sect of the Jewish Christians said that the Greeks had to observe the Law and be circumcised to be saved. Paul fought this and was supported by Peter and James. Inevitably a decision was made that the Greek Christians must "not eat food sacrificed to idols, eat strangled animals or fornicate." (Acts 15:28-29).
Hebrews 9 clearly lays out that the Old Covenant is obsolete! That if the old system of sacrificing bulls, pigeons, and lambs was sufficient then Christ would not have needed to come. The chapter delves deep into how the Temple and Tabernacle were a foreshadowing, an echo of what lies in heaven. "That Christ is the high priest and he brings not the blood of animals, but his own blood to the Mercy Seat and that we who believe in Him are now once and for all forgiven of sin." (Hebrews 9:24)
This Apostasy being proclaimed by the Messianic Mimics is appalling! It is putting heavy yokes and burdens on those already sustained by grace. These preachers who proclaim and pontificate that you must adhere to additional rules are deceived. While yes, the Ten Commandments arn't invalid, the Levitical Law and the strict doctrines no longer hold sway over believers! The Ten Commandments merely show us how to treat God and each other. In fact, in Hebrew they actually are translated The Ten Instructions. If we cling to Christ and follow him with ferverence and devotion we will fulfill the Law anyway! The point is not to focus on a list, but the author of the list! He has changed it, refined it into two commands: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27). To add regulations on top of what Christ did on Calvary is to add to the blood and to add to the blood is say that Jesus didn't do enough.
So be cautious if you start studying the Jewish roots of the faith. In your time of study you will find many insights, but beware of the lies propagated by neo-pharisees that you must add anything to the Blood of Christ. "For by grace alone you are saved by faith, not by any merit of your own." (Ephesians 2:8). Amen.
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