"This Friday 13th shall be remembered, you mark my words."
-Templar Knight, La Rochelle, France
Friday 13th, 1307, The First Templar
On Friday 13th, in the year of our Lord 1307. A great atrocity was commited against The Poor Soldiers of Christ of the Temple, also known as The Knights Templar. On that fateful day three hundred Templar brothers were charged with crimes against Christiandom and burned at the stake. The architect was King Phillip 'The Fair', the Soverign of France. He once was our ally, but as our wealth and dominion grew in the Holy Land and Europe envy & avarice apprehended him. Utilizing his puppet Pope Clememt IV, Phillip hunted us down and burnt our last grand master Jaques de Molay.
Thus each year this incident is remembered by subsequent generations. They believe it to be a unlucky day, full of bad karma and other superstitions. What they have forgotten, is that it was dark day in history when good Christian men burned for one man's greed and another's trechery. The Order survives in memory and secret societies. The truth of what happened on Friday 13th is obscured by fantasy. The masses are more interested in the legends and relics such as the Holy Grail and The Ark of the Covenant. Few historians seeks out our identities and true account of what we did.
XAnonymous Templar KnightX
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