When will the madness end? God made us the stewards of this earth, not rapests and pillagers seeking to exploit every living creature for revenue! I understand the need to slay beasts for food or because of peril. But hunting them for sport and business is nothing short of atrocious! I weep when I see the faces of lions, tigers, elphants, and God's other creations. I see beasts who have become refugees, who are losing their homes and who are being butchered for the amusement of mankind. There is a spark, a small ember of connection between man and animal, it once was a mighty flame in Adam's day, but now it fades with each passing day. We are the caretakers, these animals are under our dominion! They deserve our attention and our respect! How can we expect to love each other, if we cannot love the creatures of the Earth?
Once the beasts are gone, we are next. There aren't enough dwellings for animals anymore, and the human race faces the same problem. There aren't enough resources left for the animals, for the herbivores plant life is torn up and buildings put in its place. For the carnivore there are less prey because of the lack of vegetation. If these creatures die out, populations will be left unchecked. Let me use an analogy: Seals breed often and their population can exceed thousands. If there were no sharks to eat them, their numbers would swell and soon crabs, lobsters, and fish would dwindle which in turn would effect the fishermen and then us. Its all on a chain, all creation is on chain and if one is eliminated it affects us all! Its time for us to take responsibility and help those in danger. At present it is the Siberian Tiger, which is nearly exstinct because of potures. There is a petition to sign to save this beautiful creation. Of course revenue always helps, but support is important. Get involved, contribute in your community and pray for God to raise up good stewards who can quell the genocide and save these wonderful beasts.
It's time to re-earn their trust, to show them we are Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. That we are the servants of the King of Kings. Restore the trust before its too late...
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