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Jesus Christ Superstar Remake



They are remaking Jesus Christ Superstar, and have cast Cynthia Ervio to play Jesus Christ ( The sacrilege of this is unprecedented. Cynthia is Transgender Woman, but she clearly is still a woman biologically, and to play Jesus who was a Human Man, who is the Son of Man and Son of David, and even in Deity The Son of God is sacrilegious and insane! If anyone was making a movie about Buddha or The Prophet Muhammad and did this, there would not only be reprisals, the project would be shutdown. It is evident that the spirit of antichrist is at work, "" (2 Thess 2), and that what we are seeing is an all out assault from Hollywood on our Faith. 

I do not personally have a stake against Ervio, she has gained great notoriety playing The Wicked Witch of the West to Be in Wicked, and now she is going to desecrate our Lord in cinema. There has been a real move to feminize God, in England they are replacing passages in the Bible with "God the Mother," instead of "God the Father," and you hear people say "God is a Woman." No he is not, He is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit (). 

As Christians how to respond becomes difficult. We are inclined to turn the other cheek, even though that is not the context of what the means, in Jewish Culture in 33 A.D. it meant not to receive the insult again. I think we are going to have to raise a stink this time, or the inches we keep just allowing the devil to take will become miles, if this film gets no uproar from our Christian communities, if we do not voice our offense, that this is our God being depicted wrongly, what is next? Already people allowed Scorsese to depicted the blasphemous image of Jesus having carnal relations in The Last Temptation of Christ. Are we now going to be silent over this blasphemy? Are we going to go quietly into the night and keep in our church bubbles, and just say, "oh well, its the culture." I say no! I say we have to make a stand, and pray against this movie, and call for those with megaphones, with influence, with a mouth piece on Twitch, YouTube, Twitter/X, Radio, and so on to speak out against this! We have to be brave, to say we will not let our Lord be depicted thus! No more! You can criticize our churches, you can question our taste in music, but you leave our Savior alone! 

I am not advocating violence, that is never right, and will only hurt this cause. We have to use words, as The Apostle Paul did in the Epistles, as the Apologists have done in Church History against heresies. 

We need to unify on this front, in this we are ecumenical, that our Lord is being mocked by them making this casting choice. I mean if fans can make SEGA and Paramount Pictures change Sonic The Hedgehog's design in the first movie, what if Billions of us Christians raised our voices as one?! We have to not just shirk this off as "oh well, another blasphemy, move along." You give them this with no boycott, no outcry, then you just wait and see what comes next! We cannot prevent the apocalypse in the Book of Revelation, nor the Coming Age of Satan (see my post and Revelation Chapter Thirteen), but we must not be cowardly, "But the cowardly (The Greek word "deilos" is used in the New Testament to describe a state of fearfulness or timidity. It often carries a negative connotation, implying a lack of faith or courage in the face of challenges, Strong's Concordance), the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." (Revelation 21:8). We cannot be cowardly, they will want us to be silent because it will look like persecution of transgenders, but that is not it, we are raising up that you cannot do this to the depiction of Christ! Jesus is not transgender, Jesus is not a woman who is transition or whatever the actress is currently doing. What next? A Satanist who wants to play Jesus? Oh I can imagine how they will portray Him. Granted many actors who played Christ were not Christians, that is not the test, but they did respect Jesus and tried to give a portrayal that was close to the Scriptures, to let The Son of Man and Son of God shine through their performance. Ervio has shown she does not respect Jesus to play Him, and instead to try and shroud him in a sexuality that is not in line with God's principles. 

We have to be loud this time. To defend this wall or the Enemy is only going to get bolder, and soon we will be forced in our churches to carry Bibles that refers to The Godhead as They, He and She, when He is The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Make no mistake, the culture is the soft target, the playground for the enemy's assault, where he really wants to sink his claws is in our churches, and he has done so as many denominations fracture over the ordination of homosexuals, which is forbidden by Romans Chapter One, and it is spelled out that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.  And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). You cannot ordain who The Alpha and Omega will not admit into heaven because they practice a sexuality that goes against His very edict to "Be fruitful and multiply and subdue the Earth." (Genesis 1:28)! Homosexuals, Lesbians, and so forth cannot reproduce on their own, they need both the seed of a male and the egg of a woman! 

This Transgender madness is from Satan. It's aim is to tear down the image of God, to confuse it, when it is Man and Women, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27). To say that God got it wrong, that you want to change your gender is ungratefulness and rebellion! We cannot allow it to be glorified using the image of our Savior Jesus! We must speak up and let world hear the voice of Christ's Followers. If we do not, if we remain quiet, and think we will be safe in our citadels, our castles of churches, we shall find the enemy at the gates, telling us inside what we will allow because we permitted outside the castles to fall to this ungodliness. The time has come to pick your team, Team Satan or Team Jesus. The time for half measures and ostrich digging of our heads in the sand to ignore this with our K Love Christian radio and B Movies is over. We have to be courageous, for the cowards will not enter the Kingdom of God (Revelation 21:8). Amen,




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