When The Reformation began to take hold in Europe, The Harlot Babylon, i.e. The Roman Catholic Church launched a Counter-Reformation. Part of that counter was The Council of Trent, where the laid out in plain terms what Roman Catholics believe, distinguishing themselves from Protestants especially by claiming a different gospel than the one preaches by The Apostle Paul, Apostle Peter, and Jesus himself (See an in depth exploration of The Council of Trent in my post, https://sirjeffreypendragonblog.blogspot.com/2022/07/the-council-of-trent-catholics-damn.html?m=1 ) ). The lines were there solidified by The Thirty Year’s War, a bloody conflict between Papists and Protestants that featured massacres like the French Catholic slaying of Huguenots during The St. Bartholomew Day Massacre. The Papists have always been more prone to murder, “ If French Protestants were militant so were Catholics crowds and they were generally more murderous: where Protestants smashed images, C...