So often we hear about the negative. That churches are under siege and scandal has erupted. But amidst this darkness there is always Light. In the Middle East, a man has had dreams of our Lord Jesus Christ appearing to him and speaking to Him for 30 Days. The man was told to write down all Christ told Him and missionaries have confirmed it is the Gospel of John verbatim ( This has major significance to the Muslim world because the Quran means “to recite” and the Koran is the written down recitations of Muhammad’s revelations. The fact a Middle Eastern man has received recitations from our True Lord and God Jesus Christ will make it more acceptable to Muslims who have been hesitant to approach the Gospels in our Bible. Christ is certainly reaching out His hand of love and redemption to the Middle East.
I am reminded that while we often rely on translators to get the Bible into native languages, we must not forget that God The Trinity can reveal His Scriptures without a Gutenberg or eReader app:
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26)
“But God has revealed it to us by the Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:10)
Beyond that we must remember, “Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2-3). Christ and the Holy Spirit has the power to teach people beyond the reach of preachers and copies of the New Testament. God is truly on the move, reaching into the Middle East. This far here is what is happening:
Iran is having such a revival, millions have become Christians, that the leaders cannot contain the Spirit’s movement.
Egypt is having hundreds of churches rebuilt and built.
Saudi Arabia’s leaders are meeting Catholic delegates and relaxing religious strictures as well as making social reforms.
African countries that were strictly Muslim in the North are opening to the Gospel.
Make no mistake “God is on the Move,” in the Middle East! Jesus is appearing to many and miracles are happening. While the West seems to be cooling, the East is ablaze with God’s Spirit! And no wonder because of the prophecy of Isaiah:
“In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25)
And let us not forget who was at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended:
“Astounded and amazed, they asked, “Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? How is it then that each of us hears them in his own native language? Parthians, Medes (Persia, Iran), and Elamites (Elam is Iran); residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia (Heartland Turkey), Pontus (Turkey). and Asia, Phrygia (Turkey) and Pamphylia (Greece, Modern Turkey), Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism; Cretans and Arabs (Saudi Arabians)—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” (Acts 2:7-11). See how Iran, Egypt, and Arabia where all there at Pentecost when the Apostle Peter preached and move in the Spirit?
Make no mistake, “God is on the move, Hallelujah!” Let us continue to pray for the movement of the Lord Trinity in the Middle East! Amen.
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