It is alarming how paper thin Christianity is getting in America. Recently, Evangelicals pledged to support a man who is Pimp and who has open whore houses and who is running for political office. The man isn’t reformed or repentant, having left this former way of life, nay his dens of sin are still open and well documented. When asked why Evangelicals would vote for him their answers were that he is “he is the right man for the job, he has the right policies.” It is interesting how people can divorce their beliefs from politics and other theaters of this world. Being ardent in morality at church but not when it comes to those in political office. This paper thin Christianity is a byproduct of the Post Modern Times we live in. People who claim to be Christian take up their banner for tyrants on Monday through Saturday and then on Sunday wave the white flag of Jesus. Hypocrisy stinks and this schizophrenia in Evangelicalism is why many are fleeing to the Roman Catholic and...