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Showing posts from January, 2017

Gloriana Hallejuah! He's Coming

GLORIANA! HALLEJUAH! GLORY! HAIL THE LORD GOD! Gloriana! Hallejauh! The Lord God is coming. Gloria Alleluia! The King is Coming. Behold the clouds are parting, The Rider is darting. The mountains tremble at His Name, the Seas rumble to proclaim, and the Nations faint. Upon the clouds is One Crowned. He hath endowed mortal flesh with Divine Presence. The God Head who was dead having Risen now doth descend. Our Sins forgiven, His Scepter from Heaven. Thorns pierced His brow, now a Crown of Gold stands most proud. A cross was His Mercy Seat, now a Noble Stead to carry a King. His blood descended His broken body for Forgiveness, His robe dipped in Blood to preform Judgement. His Tomb torn asunder by God's Resurrection Power, the tombs of the earth shall give up the dead in greater wonder upon His Return. Glory! Hallelujah! I think of a mountain in Jerusalem. On that mountain is a church, the purported place when Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven after spending forty days wit...

Chinese New Year: Rooster Reckoning

Today marks the Chinese New Year, the Year of Rooster. While I do not support the Zodiac, or superstition, we must understand that this holiday is like the New Year in America. It is a time of celebration and festivities. The fact that that it is the year of Rooster, seems perfect to me. I believe the Rooster represents a wake up call, a wake up call for every Christian to assess where their relationship stands with Jesus Christ . (Revelation 2:4-5). For this is exactly what happened to the Apostle Peter, who had wake up call. Peter had been the first one to recognize who Jesus was (Matthew 16:13-20), but this same disciple later denied Him. Peter believed He was strong in faith, and close to Christ, but his pride and unwillingness to assess his relationship with Christ almost cost him everything. The Rooster is a reminder that we must remain strong in the faith for it is the rooster that is in background crowing as Peter denies publicly his Lord....

The Fog of Untruths

History is being rewritten and most of it isn't history anymore. I picked up a one volume history on China, hoping to get glimpse of the country from its early years to current times, instead the author decided to defend Abortion (even partial birth), drowned my mind in climate change, and how Communism is wonderful. This is Harvard Press book. There was a time when you could pick up a book on history and it contained facts, sharing what the people of that country believe, their economy, their culture, and more from their own words and experts who are acquainted with their perspectives, instead pseudo history is published and it the politics of the Progressives (see last post). I read a few lines of this Liberal at Harvard and I took some time to remove the darts (Ephesians 6:16) and seeds of untruth. The Apostle Paul tells us, " And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, " (Philippians 4:7), and ...

The War For Soul of the World

The world is being divided into two sides. One side is the Traditionalists, who are  returning to their traditions which include Nationalism (Monarchy, Autocracy, Democracy) and Religion, and the Progressives who are more Universalist (Interfaith and Communist) and Revolution (evolution of technology and ideas to create Utopia). This is not to say Traditionalists are inept or boycotting technology, but rather it comes to what is more important. Traditionalists want to keep tradition and the ancient ways alive, while moving forward in science and tech with more caution, while Progressives want to go full speed ahead in ideas, science, and tech that support their ideologies, but halt only if it violates their Social Issues sensibilities, such as Climate Change and Transgender. The truth is that Climate Change, Transgender, and Abortion are mere smoke screens or foils of the Progressives to gain their ultimate goal, Communism and the New Society. Progressives want to mak...

Candle in the Dark

The Darkness seems to caste its shadow across the world. People are terrified of what is to come. We however, are not to despair, but to be a light unto all nations (Isaiah 49:6). As the Darkness increases, let us shine all the more brightly, " Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven ." (Matthew 5:16). These good works are not to gain heaven or salvation, but are the seeds of faith we plant, the good we do in God's name to share His love, and transformative power with others. Jesus said, " You are the light of the worldā€”like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.   In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father ." (Matthew 5:14-15). Christ prior to these words urges us to b...

Awaken Christians in America

United States of America, how the sleeping giant slumbers. Once a city on a hill, now embracing the gates of hell to try and fill you wayward soul. On Virgin Beach a cross does preach of your mission to reach the New World for Christ the King. You have been sung asleep by philosophies contrary to Prince of Peace, and fruit has been a loss of peace and anarchy. Once men and women did teach in your cities the Gospel of Peace in your academies, now instead you teach philosophies that say "save the trees and kill the children." (Casting Crowns: Life Song). O America in your pride you do deride the erosion of the City on a Hill, but your churches are as guilty as the devil. For you have preached gospels of an American Dream and endless money that the Apostles and Christ do impeach, " For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. I promised you as a pure bride to one husbandā€”Christ. But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be cor...

Encouragement For Egyptian Christians

Egypt has long been in Emmanuel's interest. The location of the Exodus of Jews lead by Moses a former prince of Egypt makes the land brimming with signifence. There is a prophecy that fortells the Lord who is Jesus (Romans 10:9) shall called Egypt to be His people, " The LORD will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so they will return to the LORD, and He will respond to them and will heal them. In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, " Blessed be Egypt my people , Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance ." (Isaiah 19:22-25). In Egypt the largest church is the Coptic Orthodox Church, which professes Jesus as prophet but has not the understanding that the truth is Jesus is God and the only...