GLORIANA! HALLEJUAH! GLORY! HAIL THE LORD GOD! Gloriana! Hallejauh! The Lord God is coming. Gloria Alleluia! The King is Coming. Behold the clouds are parting, The Rider is darting. The mountains tremble at His Name, the Seas rumble to proclaim, and the Nations faint. Upon the clouds is One Crowned. He hath endowed mortal flesh with Divine Presence. The God Head who was dead having Risen now doth descend. Our Sins forgiven, His Scepter from Heaven. Thorns pierced His brow, now a Crown of Gold stands most proud. A cross was His Mercy Seat, now a Noble Stead to carry a King. His blood descended His broken body for Forgiveness, His robe dipped in Blood to preform Judgement. His Tomb torn asunder by God's Resurrection Power, the tombs of the earth shall give up the dead in greater wonder upon His Return. Glory! Hallelujah! I think of a mountain in Jerusalem. On that mountain is a church, the purported place when Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven after spending forty days wit...