It is starling how many people are changing in the blink of an eye. I am not referring to when Jesus said we "shall be changed in a blink of an eye," into our new bodies. Nay, instead I refer to a phenomenon that is more closely associated with Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Many Christians I have known have changed drastically. They have gone from being virteous disciples, to vice filled disciples. This altering of character and personality is not over a long duration or period, it happens as if instantaneously. One day they are good and loving, the next bent on evil and unloving.
This devilish transformation alarms me. People you once trusted, become the architects of your trials and tribulations. Those whom you called family and closest friends become foes seeking your fall. What causes this sudden change? How can someone you've known for a decade or two decades or longer be someone else? There body is the same, they have the same eyes, hair, and skin tone, but something inside them has changed. Like the Invasion of Body Snatchers, you find that these people no longer are your allies and instead become your adversaries. If they sense that you too have not be snatched, they seek to harm you.
From what I can tell jealousy and envy is a door to this change. It says in the Scriptures, "jealousy and envy are earthly and demonic." (James 3:14-16). Demonic, body snatchers, sounds about right. So if demons are overtaking people and causing them to transform into someone else, how do you adjust as a Child of the Most High God? St. Paul said, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, thrones, and spirits in the unseen realm." (Ephesians 6:12). Prayer is are main weapon. We have to pray for these people who have been overtaken by pernicious spirits. Secondly, we must not allow ourselves to be invaded. When someone is jealous or envious, they will bait you and try to make you defensive. This is a tactic. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated.
In the end, if the person does not become a prodigal and prayer seems to not sway them, for they resist God's urging, then you will have to do the hard thing and remove them from your life. Once someone becomes your adversary it is difficult to ever get them to be an ally without divine intervention. If they remain dissident to that intervention, then there is no hope of the old person you love and know coming back. We have to remember there are slaves who do not want to be slaved. People in demonic bondage that want to remain bound. Jesus himself said to a man who asked for healing, "Do you really want to be healed?" (John 5:6). This is curious, because Christ usually just touches the sick and they are healed. From inference and study of the Word, we learn that Jesus wanted to know if this man wanted to be healed or to continue begging the rest of his life and being a broken person. If Jesus heals this man, he will have to stop begging and get a job, which will be hard work. Many do not want to get up from their cot and be healed.
If you have experienced someone changing for the worse and suddenly having a different personality, remember that while people may disappoint you and cause you deep grief, Jesus Christ is the "same yesterday, today, and tomorrow." (Hebrews 13:8). Everything in our world changes around us, but God stays the same. Stand firm on that rock when all about you seems to be shaken. The Lord will see you through.
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