There are many vices that will destroy a person's life. One in particular has began sweeping the United States by storm. Drunkenness has always been a problem, however, it has now become more mainstream than ever. Hollywood's angel, Jennifer Lawrence, was recently caught at a Drunken Party and even was lectured by the less than virtuous Miley Cyrus. Dr. Dre is looking at losing 3.6 Million dollars over his drunken scandal. Yahoo News reports that the Millennial Generation is drinking more alcohol than any generation. Companies that brew Beer, ferment wine, and distill other alchole are trying to come up with new drinks to respond to the increasing demand.
Alcohol in of itself is not a sin. Jesus Christ himself drank and was accused by the legalistic hypocrites known as the Pharisees as being a "wine bibber," (Luke 7:34). However, Jesus said "drink, but do not get drunk." (Ephesians 5:18, Proverbs 23:20). Our society is not content with social drinking or drinking for health purposes. Red wine for instance is known to have benefits in digestion. No, our culture is endorsing drunkness. This unseemly and unsavory state of being has been in film for ages. But now, those very actors who play those roles are falling prey to Dionysus (Bacchus), and Silenus. There are actually two gods (fallen angels) behind beer and wine. Bacchus is more familiar to people, he is often seen with a leafy cornet and fills the draughts and empty goblets of party goers. Silenus is the Lord of the Satyrs and he is the god of wine and Bacchus' tutor. Those who get drunk invite these demonic powers into their lives and I argue can be possessed by them.
What is more terrifying than the mistakes people make being drunk or the demons that enter them is the consequence Christ gives us. Jesus says, "If I return and find my servant abusing the other servants and drinking with the drunkards, I shall cut him to pieces and caste him out into the gnashing of teeth (hell)." (Matthew 24:45-51). From this and other passages we get confirmation that "once saved always saved," is not accurate. Jesus is saying that if he finds his people reveling and drinking unto drunkenness and harming other believers He will send them to hell! This should sober every believer who thinks they can indulge in these sins.
It is time for the saints to be sober. To cease playing with mixed fire and lay down anything that will jeprodize your salvation. Yes, Christ paid it all on the cross and indeed you can be forgiven of your sins. However, if you continue to practice sin in sedition to your Savior and go on crousing with sinners and filling your mouth with Silenus' cup, you risk your very soul. We should fear God! Fear that He can destroy our souls! (Matthew 10:28).
We should take comfort in Christ's compassion and the Grace of God manifest through His Crucifixion and Resurrection. A Gospel of Works I am not advocating. However, the truth is that there are many Scriptures that indicate that we can fall from Grace by choosing to be in rebellion to God via our deeds post Sinner's Prayer. Scholars and theologians may debate these Scriptures, but you cannot interpret Ephesians 5:18 or Proverbs 23:20 in a different way. Drunkenness is a sin, drinking in moderation (with self control and knowing how much you can drink before a buzz). We should be troubled by the words of Jesus, that abusers and drunkards shall not be admitted into Heaven. A fear should enter us that compels us to live by the Conscious of the Holy Spirit and not practice this sin.
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