There is something about villains. Wither it be the iconic Darth Vader or the insane Joker in Batman; bad guys have bewitched fans and film goers alike. Many have speculated about why antagonists get such a following. I have my own theory and shall present it presently. But first let us examine evil and why it creates more empathy in us than good. Theolgians argue about the origin of evil. Some claim that it began with Satan and the angelic host that fell in the Great War in Heaven. Others hold the compelling belief that evil has always existed; that it is a choice and only becomes personified by those who disobey or rebel against the source of goodness; God.
So why then do people find themselves empathizing with evil? Why does the villain illict more compassion and connection than the hero? We may want to be the hero, but for some reason the bad guy is always cooler and more complex which creates a connection in us because we desire approval or to be cool and we are complex. However, the true answer to why we are drawn to villains is frightening. We by nature are empathetic with the devil. Yes, I said it. We are drawn to the devil and all the evils that he has created or inspired. Why? The answer is that we both are fallen. Prior to the creation of Eden, Satan and his legions were defeated in Heaven and fell from God's presence. Then Bezeelbub beguiled Adam and Eve, the first humans and they fell from God's presence. We have in common with the fallen angels, a fallen nature and heritage of disobedience. Therefore, the evil characters concocted and conjured in cinema, comic books, and other commercial mediums appeal to our fallen nature.
The truth is that we have much in common with the villain. We are deceived by our sinful nature and have rebellion that is like a seed within our soul and craves to come forth. The Spirit Man inside us is inspired by the hero. We desire to be loved and to teach morality. We want to fly around like Superman or swing about like Spider-Man admistering justice and giving hope to humankind. But the flesh inside of us wants the opposite. We feel empathy for evil because our ancestors chose evil. We also make evil choices today and that creates a connection with the villain. We know that deep down we are just as bad as the baddest bad guy or gal. We are aware of the sin that is sinisterly seeking to send us into slavery.
What breaks the pattern is Christ. When Jesus Christ came into the world he foiled the Father of Lies. We were destined to join the devil in damnation. But God, rich in mercy and abundant in love decided to save us from that fate and instill in our hearts a seed that would eat away the sinful nature planted by the evil one. As we build the Spirit of God inside us, the more the sinful nature dies. Then consequently we do not pity or empathize with evil, but rather detest it. The sad song of Satan and his demons is quickly exposed as a tool to keep us bound and enslaved to our lusts.
The Enemy has been defeated. At the Cross the War was won. But guerrilla warfare is still raging on. Now that Satan does not have dominion over us, he must deceive us into believing lies. He must taint God and make him appear to be something he is not. The devil tries to fill our minds with a judgmental, cold hearted, and obstinate God who wants to ruin our fun. But the reality is that description the devil gives us of the Creator is his own! Satan is judgmental, he condemns every Christian with his mouth. The devil is the one who is cold hearted and hates us so much he wants us destroyed! It is the Evil One himself who is obstinate and will crush anyone who opposes him. Satan has lost, but he will not admit defeat. He wants to beguile us with his falsehoods and try to turn our hearts back to that sinful nature that sees him as one worthy of pity. The devil wants empathy and to make us feel compassionate towards evil characters.
So ask yourself, why do you prefer evil? Why is the villain become revered to you? Why is darkness in the fantasy realms praised in your heart, but in life condemned? Could it be my theory? That our empathy is in itself evil? The devil wants our pity and to get us to say those words, "how can God be just and condemn such a person?" That is all the devil needs to ensnare us again. Satan wants to convince us that God is not good and that evil is just an misunderstood point of view. The truth is that we and devil are rebels and deserve the fires of hell. Thankfully, God in his grace sent us an escape from the flames and gave us chance to cease being evil and dwell in the only source of goodness; Jesus Christ.
Do not empathize with evil. Instead go after what is good (Christ). God has set us free from the fallen fate. Do not let the devil deceive you. Instead, "think upon that which is good, pure, true, and of worthy report." (Philippians 4:8)
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