In addition to these protests, it has been released that a discover has been made about Jesus. A Papyrus has been found that has Jesus saying greetings to his wife. How convenient for this to be found just when Muslims are starting a insurrection against the West. What amazes me, is that Muslims are allowed to become enraged over their prophet Mohammad being disgraced and our media will not publish anything that would cause further Muslim outrage, but Christianity is fair game. The Media leaps and bounds everytime some alleged discover is made about Jesus. Usually these discoveries are to discredit Christ and The Gospel by proving that he had a wife. This obsession with finding Jesus' wife all began with Dan Brown and his Da Vinci Code. What was meant to be very sacrilegious and offensive fiction was suddenly turned into a expedition to taint Jesus.
Now we have another attempt. What will come next is that the experts will claim that Jesus was a philosopher like Aristotle or Plato and that he did indeed have a wife and his crucifixion was because Rome feared he was radical and that he would incite revolt. Behold my fellow brothers and sisters, the Great Apostasy and the false Christs are already here! The devil is working overtime to discredit and destroy the faith. I find it interesting that one finding says Jesus had a wife and yet we have over six thousand scrolls that tell us who Jesus really was. Another detail these historians forget to pay attention to is that Jesus was a common name. So how can they prove it was Jesus Christ? They can't. It would be like saying that John the Baptist had a wife. But of course the tablet or grave that contains an inscription saying he has wife is found. However the grave or inscription merely says John on it. Well John was a really popular name back then! It still is today!
This papyrus is poppycock! It has come just in time to make Muslims look legitimate despite their violence. I urge all who have kept the faith, to continue the race and address this new finding with the truth. I would ask you to stop being passive and not just ignore any news that comes out that contradicts what has been believed for two thousand and twelve years. It's time Christians stand up for their beliefs! We can't afford to be silent anymore! There is no safe haven for us. America is becoming exceedingly anti-Christian, Europe has been put in spiritual neutral, and the Middle East is full those who would like to see us beheaded. When will we make a stand? Have we really become so complacent that we are incapable of making our voice be heard? If we don't speak up now, there may never be another chance. Our freedom of speech is slowly being taken away and in most nations the First Amendment doesn't even exist. So what are you going to do my brothers and sisters? Are you going to just endure the arrows or are you going to raise your shield and lift your voice against those who would see us pass away in a New Holocaust.
Addendum: May 2, 2014
It has been confirmed that the Papyrus matches a forgery and the Harvard Divinity is hiding their data that allegedly authenticates their findings about the Payprus. So at last the smoke screen has cleared and the truth is out! The fact that this is a Coptic papyrus in the first place should have alarmed people at Harvard. While I do not hold any ill will towards Coptic Christians, they do believe differently than orthodoxy. In fact, Coptics are more like Cathars, in that they do not believe Jesus came in the flesh. Which is puzzling why they would then claim in the papyrus that Jesus had a wife. Of course, this could also indicate that Coptics are Nestorian, which believed the same heresy.
Here is the link to the exposure of the Payprus hoax:
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