Today I heard a sermon by Pastor Dave, at Hertiage Bible Church. During his pontifications he shared a story about a Light House Keeper who recieved a shipment of oil to power the light in the beacon. After obtaining the oil, the Light Keeper was approached by three individuals in need. One was woman who need some oil for a lamp to keep her and her family warm. The second was a sailor who needed some oil for his lantern. The third person was mechanic who need oil to grease some parts and fix them. Seeing that all these needs we ligitament, the Light-Bearer gave each person some oil. Later the Keeper discovered he hadn't sufficent oil to power the beacon's light and it went out. Causequently, several ships wrecked and many lives were lost. The authorities procecuted the Light-Bearer and when they inquired about the oil, the Light Houseman said he gave it away to noble causes. The authorities judged the man guilty and they said to him "you didn't use the oil for what is was meant for."
A profound parable lies in this story. The light is Christ, and the oil is our energy and stamina. There is parable in the New Testament about the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). Ten Virgins have oil for their lamps and are awaiting the Bridegroom, and Ten other Virgins use up their oil and when the time comes to go out and find the bridgegroom they don't have enough oil for their lamps. They are subsequently rejected because they didn't stay vigilant and didn't save their oil for the appointed time of the bridegroom's return, They wasted it just as the Light House Keeper did.
Jesus said to his Disciples that, "His light will shine for you just a little longer," and he commanded "Make use of the Light while there is still time, then you will become light-bearers." (The Gospel of John 12:15). We are like a lighthouses in this dark world, Christ shines like a beacon through us to those lost people at sea and guides their ships to the safety of the His harbor. If we don't use the oil God has given us to develop a deep relationship with his Son, Jesus Christ, we begin to spend it on other things and when the time comes to reap the harvest of souls and aid brothers in the Lord, we are incapable because we have used up all our oil.
As a result the lost souls shall perish and we will hear God say, "you didn't use your oil for what it was meant for." We will end up feeling like the Ten Virgins who couldn't go to the wedding supper because they let the light burn out and their oil dry up. We must be cautious not to fall into snares or become distracted by the needs of others. Too often we can neglect fueling that light inside us, feeding the Spirit because we are so busy helping those in distress. While it is admirable and good to help those in need, if not kept in check people can become an impedement to your connection with the LORD. Good deeds can quickly become vices that deplete your oil and distract you from the calling God has on your life. Don't let devils or men rob you of your oil! Save it and use it to fuel the light; the fire of Christ that burns within you. Feed the beacon (spirit man) and let the light (Christ) shine brightly before the world. Don't yield to the distractions and diversions. Don't get sidetracked or waylaid by the problems of other people. Instead, let your zeal (oil) be used to serve The Most High. Then when the beacon burns brillantly, you will have the Lord's strength to address the issues plauging the world.
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