Christ is the treasure chest in the field. In him, I have found all that I'll ever need. To me, that means the following:
No more looking for fulfillment in people.
No more need to build something for God or be a success or feel useful.
No more searching for ways to please people.
No more trying to think or reason my way out of difficulties.
I have found what I'm looking for. My treasure, my pearl, is Christ. And all the Owner asks of me is, "David, let me adopt you. I love you, and I have already signed the papers with my own Son's blood. You are now a joint heir with him of all I possess."
I'm still in the process of selling everything I have. I'm still giving the Father my time, thoughts, will, and plans. Yet I know I'm exchanging it all for treasure. I'm trading it in to buy living water, the bread of life, the milk and honey of joy and peace. And I'm doing it all without money. The cost to me is my love, my trust, my faith in his Word.
What a bargain. I give up my filthy rags of self-reliance and good works. I lay aside my worn-out shoes of striving. I leave behind my sleepless nights on the streets of doubt and fear. And in return I get adopted by a King!
Dear saint, this is what happens when you seek the pearl, the treasure, till you find him. Jesus offers you everything he is. He brings you joy, peace, purpose, holiness. What is he worth to you? To gain him, it may cost you more than you've been willing to pay. I urge you: start digging today.
David Wilkerson was an evangelist for fifty years and the pastor of
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