Thanksgiving has passed and many people probably found it to be contentious. There was even politics pervading over it. However, I would argue the original Thanksgiving was all about having people who probably did not get along come together to give thanks. The Native Americans had different gods than the Pilgrims and the One True God. Sqauinto who was crucial to being a bridge between the peoples and helping them survive was raised by Catholic Monks, and so he would have little in common with Pilgrim's Protestantism. The point of Thanksgiving was not a gathering of people who would get along, but rather people who had plenty to make feel petulance. Instead however, they saw Providence at work, that The Lord Trinity had used pagans to save Pilgrims with their corn, and sent a Native who knew English as well as local dialect to translate. All of this was a case of having to bury differences to benefit each other. It did not mean to hide the True God Jesus, no that is not the point...