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Showing posts from 2024

Discouragement in The Church

   I am going to get real honest. There is a real problem with discouraging others in our world, and in the church. People are trying hard, holding on by a thread perhaps, and all someone can do is discourage them, chide and condemn their efforts, or worse abandon them. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am going to be frank with you.. if you are constantly discouraging others, being critical and making them feel like why bother, you are Satan. It is Satan who is the accuser, " Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down," (Revelation 12:10). Lest you think that a Christian cannot speak for the devil, let me remind you of what The Apostle Peter did, " From then on Jesus began to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suff...

New Year's Message: Your Calling

    As I contemplated what to speak about for The New Year, the LORD put on my mind something I have witnessed, and in particular something The Apostle Paul spoke of. As Christians we have a Macro Calling, to Make Disciples (Matthew 28:19) and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the call of all Christians, irrespective of our culture, background, race, or fiscal place in this world. However, we also have Micro Calling, that only we can fufill, it is the unique way in which we can witness and use our talents, gifts, and abilities. For some it is to be an artist, another to build a business, another to be a musician, and so forth; this are the micro callings, not that they are small and insignificant, rather in our lives micro means to like taking microscope, details, specific ways in which we apply our Calling, while Macro is the larger Kingdom of God Calling of all Saints to preach the gospel and make disicples. We are doing both, the Micro even being how we can do the ...

The Infiltration

   There is a true infiltration happening in our churches. In the name of Ecumenism, unity of churches, including with Rome, a santizing of our differences is happening. The words of St. Augustine of Hippo are being applied liberally, "In Essential Unity, in Nonessentials freedom, and in all things love." The problem is we do not sare the same essentials with the Roman Church or the Eastern Orthodox churches, or the Copts, or many of the others. We believe we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Alone (Ephesians 2:8-9, Philippians 2:8-9). Their churches rely on sacraments like The Eucharist, Baptism, and Last Rites. When on the cross Desmus did not have time to get baptized, and Jesus never said the Holy Communion has salvic powers, only that it was to remember his Death till he comes again, "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes." (1 Corinthians 11:26). The Romans and the Easterners have begun to sl...

The Preacher's Wife (1996)

   The Preacher's Wife is a movie about a  Reverend named Henry who during Christmas time asks The Lord for some help, and angel named Dudley, played by Denzel Washington appears to help him. The film reminds me of the Bishop's Wife, which frankly I think this is a retelling of it of sorts, but I confess that there is a great deal about the film I love. Reverend Henry really cares about his community, unlike many preachers today trying to get a six figure to ten figure bank account, he is helping the lowliest and most troubled people, including a youth who has a record, has reformed, and was seen at a robbery and gets wrongfully accused.  Courtnay B. Vance makes the Rev. Henry a likable minister, who is suffering from minstryaholicism, he is beginning to neglect his family, his beautiful wife Julia who is played by none other than Whitney Houston, and his son who narrates the film at points in his cute child like voice. Many pastors and ministers become so involved i...

Gladiator II (2024) Review

   The first Gladiator film is a classic. Russell Crowe as the General who is betrayed that becomes a Gladiator to defeat the mad Commodus who killed his wife and son is a tale worthy of Homer. There was Dream that is Rome, Gladiator II is not it.. it is not it. There has been a trend lately to make sequels almost two decades after the first film that remind us we really did not need a sequel, Gladiator II is that film. I want to say it befuddles me how they botched this, there was so many ways they could have gone telling the story of Lucius, and the one they told was Meta, a Retcon, and a Remake. I will explain how it is this unholy trinity. First I want to say some positives, the film is magnificent in scale, taking us back to Ridley's earlier epics, and the battles are breathtaking, particularly the one in Africa Nova against Numidians. Pedro Pascal's performance as the General Acacius is so great, his fight choreography in the opening battle, and in the Colliseum made me ...

Sacred Portals?

   The Vatican is poised to open five sacred portals at ancient basilicas ahead of Christmas Eve for the upcoming 2025 Jubilee. This ritual has not happened in twenty five years and carries with it much mysterion as many odd rites in the Roman Church do. I personally find this alarming because The Roman Church as I have painstakingly pointed out in many posts, especially my lengthy one of The Council of Trent that is still in effect for Catholics, that the Roman Church is not Biblical. It preaches another gospel (Galatians 1:8-9) than the one the apostles and our Lord Jesus Christ teaches in Scripture. They claim you must do sacraments including penance and confession to be saved, Jesus says you are saved by believing in Him (John 3:16) and the apostles agree that its by Christ's grace (what he did on the cross) and our faith in Him and what he did that saves (Acts 15:1-11, John 6:40, Ephesians 2:8-9, Philippians 3:9). It is on this soteriology that the Roman Church falls shor...

Spiritual Slothfulness: How We Makes Exuses

  There is no way we are going to banish the folklore of Christmas. Santa Claus is here to stay, and the true St. Nicholas was an exemplary saint who has gotten lost in the Celtic and Nordic folk version. While I have advocated that it is unwise to do the tradition of Santa because it establishes with children that you will lie or tell them white lie about a mystical being which then cause them to question what you say about God later, I realize many parents are going to do the tradition of Santa. I grew up with, being honest, and I am here preaching from this blog pulpit. I think since people are going to do the tradition of Sinter Claus, we have to then submit that to the more important aspect of Christmas, Christ Jesus our Lord. It is crucial that children know the True God is Jesus, and the account of Him coming as a child at Christmastime. If you are going to do the pretend Santa stuff on Christmas Eve, you better take your kids to Church for carols or read the Luke Chapter On...

AMC Channel Maylfair Witches, Dear Satan (Santa), Wicked, and More

The   The AMC (American Movie Channel) does Holiday Movieathons. They often have some of the most beloved classics like Elf and even A Christmas Story. Well this year they are advertising during the commercials their Mayflair Witches series that is suppose to come out Jan 5th. So while US households put on the channel, their kids watching holiday classics they are exposed to scenes of Satanic witchcraft, with one scene of a gal saying she has "summoned Him," I can imagine who that him is, and then Pentagram of the Satanic design appears. I remember when Oswald Chambers, a Pastor Time's Square Church, New York was laughed off the stage many decades ago when he said a day will come when you will see pornographic scenes on your televisions. At the time people did not believe such a thing would happen and now look at raunchy fair of films and shows? Worse there is Satanic shows inundating young minds with positive associations with magic, witches, and the demonic. We wonder w...

Netflix's Mary Review

  Netflix released on December 6th a featured length film on Mary from before her birth to the Birth of Christ. The subject has been done, over and over again, though I decided to watch it and what I saw horrified me. I am going to due start with the positives, the cinematography is top knotch, I thought Sir Anthony Hopkins portrayal of Herod The Great was great, and there were moments I really enjoyed like showing Mary was an ordinary child playing with her friends in the fields, and the giving The Prophetess Ana who was there in the Gospel of Luke at Jesus' Dedication, a larger role was nice.  Now for the bad and ugly. Firstly, the film opens with Mary's parents cannot have a child, Joachim, her father goes to wilderness to plead with God and Gabriel in a blue scarf appears and tell him he will have a Daughter, who will matter. I know Roman Catholic have deuter canonical beliefs about Mary coming from a Virgin Mother, and some strange things, though I cannot claim if anythin...

St. Sebastian: The Saints Review

   Martin Scorsee Presents The Saints on Fox Nation has had third installment that has been released about the Roman Matyr Sebastian. Honestly, the story of the Sebastian is not too fanciful, despite his ressurection. As Christians we know resurrection is possible, our Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, and many were raised at His Death on the Cross (Matthew 27:50-56) and there was Lazarus (). The problem I have with saints like Sebastian is that its steeped in Popish folklore, even saying he had a pope.. there was no popes back then. What is most troubling is falsehood of the Catholic Church that saints need to canonized, all who put their faith in Jesus are saints, "To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified (set apart, made holy) in Christ Jesus, who are selected and called as saints (God’s people), together with all those who in every place call on and honor the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours" (1 Corinthians 1:2), and we are even ...