Martin Luther created guides, books for families to help raise children in the faith. These included doctrine, theology, and Q&A so that children could learn from their parents the essentials of the faith. The problem is many Christian households do not practice this, they let Sunday Schools and church leaders teach their kids. This is folly. Children recognize what is important by what they see their parents do and investing in teaching your kids the gospel, Christology, theology, and doctrine is the most important thing you can do! More than that, having once a week time for praying, worshipping, and reading Scripture as a family in your own home helps bond a family spiritually, allowing a safe space for questions, doubts, and to express your faith apart from an institution. Setting the standard is important and educating children in the faith at home is crucial! You cannot rely on Sunday School or Vacation Bible School, look at what came of trusting public schools and how ...