On November 2nd , 1935, a Geo-Political Moralist movement came to Belgium called Rexism. Rexism was a Catholic-Populist-authoritarian-nationalist and corporalist political party. The party derived its name from a Catholic publishing company called Rex, which is short for Christus Rexus (Christ the King). Rexism was partially based on the teachings of a man named Jean Denis . Unlike Fascism, Rexism promoted Corporalism, or guilds, breaking things down into groups of interests in the Government, and example being guild of agriculture and a guild of art. It was fiercely opposed to Liberalism, Marxism, and Capitalism, and instead emphasized rural community and traditional Family Values. Rexism wanted a clericalism to government, hence submission to the Catholic Church, and it emphasized that people shouldn't be pressed down by the 1% ruling class,. thus it bears some similarities to the post-modern Occupy Movement in the US . However, once the Nazis invaded and occupied Belgium i...