Critics of the Church often bring their case over the chapters of violence in Church history. They point to The Crusades , The Inquisitions , and other violent campaigns as signs of corruption, and so seek to defame the institution of God's Kingdom on these grounds. I have endeavored to answer the violent chapters of the church through analysis and explanation of the motives, thinking, and reasoning behind them. It is not my endeavor to approve or disapprove of the wars of religion, nor make a case for or against sanctioned violence. Rather my goal is to give some explanation for these episodes of violence, and shed some light on why the Church participated in fighting. It is my hope to make my case without bias, although to be honest all history is biased, and usually written by the victor. The Church has been involved in violence from 5th century to 16th Century when the Christian Byzantine Empire waged wars against Muslims, Christians, and other grou...