The Following is an interpretation. The number 666 means the fullness of man. The Mark of Beast is not a chip, it is not a tatoo or scar or card, it is a disposition. Because triple six is fullness of man it is codependancy, the belief that I can save and change a person or people through myself, and instead of the only saving atonement of Christ. The Mark is the epitome of pride and antichrist, because rather than needing Jesus Christ who is the only One who can save and fix you, you are determined to be christ, which is the definition of a false or antichrist: to replace Christ. It is pride to the zenith, it is what Satan said (The five I Will's in Isaiah 14:13-16). It is the belief in your head that you will be the hands to heal, rather than Immanuel. It is the actions and will to be the savior, when there is only One Savior of mankind Jesus Christ. The Mark of Beast is rampant in society. People believe they can change those they love, if they "just love ...