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Showing posts from March, 2014

Noah: The Review

I have just returned from seeing the controversial film Noah. I decided to see the film because reviews were claiming the film was a brilliant Biblical adaptation worthy of Cecile B. DeMill's "The Ten Commandments," and other reviews said it was Luciferianism mysticism and a horribly tainted retelling of the Flood. I can unequivocally confirm that this film is steeped in Luciferianism (Satanic-devil worship) and many other pagan and anti-Christian beliefs. The Negatives:   Let me begin at the beginning. Noah and his father are on a plain near some rocks when Noah's father pulls out a snake skin and wraps it around his arm to give Noah the "Adam blessing". Later we discover this blessing skin that glows is Satan's serpentine skin from when he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (this is shown, not inferred)! How can the Sons of Seth, who were righteous before God practice a mysticism using the devil's likeness?! At first I thought...

Stress Overload

There was a time when we sought to escape the stress of this life. We sought refuge in books, cinemas, and digital gaming worlds. Now those very sanctums have become sources of stress. In cinema the trend is to depict dystopian futures such as: The Book of Eli, Hunger Games , and Divergent . Even The Dark Knight Trilogy and Man of Steel are so steeped in realism that you believe their worlds are part of ours. While this aids in emersion, my concern is that with everything having to be serious and as close to real life as possible will only increase are stress levels. Video Games have taken the same road. Games live Halo and Call of Duty are great examples of how the genre started out as fantasy and became non-fiction. Halo started out as a war against aliens and the gameplay was unique and was meant to look like Bladrunner meets Starship Troops meets Aliens meets Stargate . Then by Halo Reach the game began to develop into a Call of Duty Modern Warefare Clone. Call of Duty ...

Christ in a Contemporary Age

We live in such a contemporary age. Our access to knowledge and information is unprecedented. Scientists, Historians, Anthropologists, Psychologists, Archaeologists, and Theologians are making new discoveries daily. Living in a time like ours while exciting has also come with great doubt. There are many devout explorers who with their intellectual prowess and brilliance seek to erase faith. From psychology to sorcery, men and women with the answers they believe they have found claim that Christians and other religious folk are clinging to a crutch and not waking up to the Post-Modern Age of Reason. These experts say that we should embrace the bleak belief that this life is all there is and that we are a random collection of chromosomes that just happened to come into harmony. It can be hard to make a case against these lofty and well learned people. Suddenly you are unable to cite Scripture or recall who Josephus and the other scholars who bore witness to the Truth are. A...

Our Heavenly Heritage

Never since ancient times have people become so obsessed with their heritage. With web sites like and clubs that help people track their Native American, European, Middle-Eastern, and Hispanic roots; people are becoming more sectarian. There is a pride rising in bloodlines again. Those who can trace their line back to Alexander the Great, Emperor Charlemagne, and King David feel a sense of importance. In fact, there are whole movements such as Zionism and Neo-Fascism that promote one ancestry over the other. This even trickles down to race. Today, there is proliferation of African Neo-Slave Propaganda coming out of Hollywood. Films like 12 Years A Slave , Lee Stanley's The Butler , and the upcoming Bella  are to remind us that we were once bigoted and that African Americans were the true masterminds of making history. I frankly have no problem with any race. All are God's children. But the problem is when one people tries to ...

Affordable Christian Jewlery

I recently discovered a affordable Christian Jewelry company by the name of Shomali. Shomali offers a variety of pendants from Mother of Pearl to Pewter. Since we live in tough economic times, I thought I would display and describe in detail pieces that are cheap but good quality items. Note: the following items are made of pewter.   ļ»æ CRS2000-A The French Crucifix This crucifix has what looks like lilies on all the four ends of the cross beams. This is significant because Christ said he was the "Lilly of the Valley." Since the lily is the Medieval symbol of France, which was one of the most pious nations, it is even more fitting. CRS2000-B The Holy Spirit Cross This depiction of the Holy Spirit descending like a dove alludes to when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jorden and upon rising from the waters the Spirit of Lord descended upon Jesus like a dove. It also is meant to depict the connect between the Godhead and how Jesus did everything in ...

A Plea: Please Read

Oh my brothers and sisters.. When will it end? When will we cease complaining, condemning, and criticizing each other? When will we return to love? The secular world is becoming more compassionate and Christ-like than us! If this infighting does not stop, our witness is going to be wasted. We need unity, but instead we choose mutiny. We would rather be right about our doctrines and differences than be Light to a broken world. We would rather squabble over intellectual and theological concepts than show each other compassion and care. We would rather argue about creeds than congregate together and be Christ to one another. Correction and conviction are not to be abandoned. But they must come from love. It should be concern and compassion that compels us to correct, not condemnation and cruel self righteousness. We are a family, the Church. Wither you are Catholic or Protestant, wither you are black or white, wither you are American or African, Greek or Scythian, male or female, ...