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Showing posts from August, 2012

Is the Mark of the Beast Already Here?

In Revelation 13 it says that those who follow the Man of Sin (Satan incarnate) "will be marked on their foreheads and arms with the name or number of the Beast." (Rev 13:16). What if I told you this has already begun? A couple years ago, the logo of the famous MONSTER Energy Drink was analyzed. The symbol is in fact 666 in Hebrew (see diagram below). Image provided by Google. Some have dismissed the MONSTER 666 as a mere hoax or coincidence. That it is a witch hunt and looking for a "devil under every bush." I however, recently had an epiphany. What if this is the beginning? MONSTER is after all the most popular brand of energy drink available. Young people are getting tattoos of the symbol on their necks, arms, and are displaying it on their foreheads via hats. What if this is what it really means in Revelation 13:16? What if before the Man of Sin rises, this symbol becomes so likable that when everyone is forced to get it, no one obj...

Satan's Plan Against You

1. Doubt Makes you question God's word and his goodness. 2. Discouragement Makes you look at your problems rather than at God. 3. Diversion Makes the wrong things seem attractive so that you will want them more than the right things. 4. Defeat Makes you feel like a failure, so that you don't even try. 5. Delay Makes you put off doing something, so that it never gets done. -From the Student's Life Application NLT Study Bible 1996.

"The Foolishness of Men"

School of Athens, Raphael. There are men today that claim that The Age of Religion is over and The Age of Science has taken It's place. These men say that God and the devil are old conventions and that what really exists is energy fields and philosophies. The scholars and thinkers of Greece & Rome are revered and the pagan gods are memorized by children in American schools. I find it quite interesting that our society has decided to become Greco-Roman, when those two civilizations were some of the most brutal and ruthless that ever walked the earth. The Greeks under Alexander The Great  conquered the known world and tried to make diverse peoples submit to their beliefs. The Romans followed in Greek  footsteps and took over the world. The Romans were so cruel and malicious that they would salt the fields of their enemies causing the crops to perish and not grow back. The Romans also invented many of the worst f...

Chanson de Chivalry

Battle of Roncevaux, Song of Roland The Chason de geste and valiant songs like it have all but been forgotten. There is a more ancient chivalry than the one in which most folk are familiar with. Originally chivalry was exclusively between men at arms. Knights would be raised together and they would develop so close a bond that they became brothers. Before chivalry was about wooing faire ladies and hosting tournies, it was about prowess on the real battlefield. The knights of old yore did not pretend to be mighty in a arena for amusement, they fought to defend their liege lord and country. This was in a time when feudalism still reigned and lords and kings held sway over their men to such an extent that knights would rather die then bring shame to their kin and country. Out of this old chivalry comes a tale that is as timeless as King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. It too contains a mighty king named Charlemagne and his valiant knights known as the ...

Autumn is in the Air!

Autmnal Path, Thomas Kinkade I delight in the changing of seasons. I hold a special place in my heart for Fall and Winter. Spring is pleasant, and Summer aside from a nice respite from academics is blazing hot and thus not very comfortable. Out of the four seasons I hold the deepest affinity for Fall. There is just something about the reds, the oranges, and golden yellows. I adore the spices, the pumpkins, and acorns. While some claim Fall is the dead season, I declare that it is actually the most lively. The air is filled with scents to amuse the senses and colors to dazel the eyes. Plus it is the time of the Harvest, when all the crops are reaped and people have bountiful feasts. It is a time of life in all sense of the word. According to many theologians and archaeologists Christ was not born in December but actually in Fall (probably in October)! This would be appropriate because the Feast of Tabernacles falls during the autumnal months eve...

The Sufficiency of Christ by Gary Wilkerson

Disclaimer : Dear friends, I have not penned any of the following words. They are written by the brillant theologian and brother in Christ Gary Wilkerson. ā€œTherefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the peopleā€ (Hebrews 2:17) . Iā€™ve always wondered about one phrase in this verse: ā€œHe had toā€¦ā€ This passage refers to Jesus, of course. Why would Jesus have to do anything? Heā€™s God. We read of him choosing to come to earth, choosing to heal, choosing to love everyone around him. So, why does this say he had to do what he did ā€“ becoming flesh and serving as a living sacrifice for our sins? Couldnā€™t he just as easily have declared from heaven, ā€œIā€™ll send angels to bring redemption to humankindā€? Here is one ofthe few instances in Scripture where the Lord is engaging in a commanded endeavor . Why? To understand why Jesus ā€œhad to be...

The Messianic Movement

There is movement rising in Christendom. It is a sect of believers who are returning to the Jewish roots of the faith. These brothers call themselves Messianics . The Messianic Movement is comprised of converted Jews and Christians who want to restore the Jewish roots of Christianity. The movement itself is noble, for many followers of Christ have a Greco-Roman understanding of the Bible and their faith. Which is inadequate because the Bible takes place in a Jewish culture, with Jewish people and with a Jewish savior. Jesus Christ was a Jew. He came from the Davidic line on both sides: Mary and Joseph were both descendants of David. In fact, it was imperative that Jesus was the Son of David, because it was prophesied that the messiah had to be of the Davidic line. Jesus wouldn't have been called Jesus by most of his disciples or his family. He would have gone by the named Yeshua , spelled YIW' in the Hebrew. Jesus is the Greek name for Christ. So he would have likely been c...

The Impossible Dream

Man of La Mancha (1972), Peter O'Toole and Sophie Loren "To dream the impossible dream To fight the unbeatable foe To bear with unbearable sorrow To run where the brave dare not go To right the unrightable wrong To love pure and chaste from afar To try when your arms are too weary To reach the unreachable star This is my quest To follow that star No matter how hopeless No matter how far To fight for the right Without question or pause To be willing to march into hell For a heavenly cause And I know if I only be true To this glorious quest That my heart will lie peaceful and calm When i'm laid to my rest And the world will be better for this That one man, scorned and covered with scars Still strove with his last ounce of courage To reach the unreachable star." -By Mitch Leigh and lyrics by Joe Darion ļ»æ

Generation N

Today there is a movement that contradicts everything we've been taught in our Bibles. This movement has infected society as a whole and it has infiltrated the Church itself. What is it might you ask? What pestilence, what plague sweeps through people turning their hearts to stone and their minds to themselves? It is Narcissism. Yes, today more than any period in history people have become self focused to the point that they can no longer feel compassion for others. Indifference has taken the place of loving service. Now when people both young and old suffer, the response is a blank stare and a roll of the eyes. If someone is in need the reaction is begrudging, "oh great, now I have to put down my iPhone and whatever I was doing that was fun to help some cripple." It's a wonder with the rate narcissism and selfishness is spreading that hospitals are still standing. Those who's occupation is to help the needy even act like It's a bother to fetch a blanket o...

The Great Deceptions

Martin Luther is the father of The Reformation. His 95 Theses and other published works including The New Testament in German shook Christiandom. Today many believers seek to defame and taint the memory of this man. They say he was an anti-semite or a bi-polar schizophrenic. Yet if it weren't for this man all brothers and sisters in Christ would still be enslaved to the Papacy and the Canon Law. We would not have the liberty to prusue Christ and read the Scriptures for ourselves. In fact, Luther paved the way for the translation of the Bible. Tyndale and Wycliffe picked up were he left off, and today we can relish studying God's Word in our own language. There is a wave of unbelief, disbelief and apostasy rising today. Doctors of Science, Psychology and Medicine seek to make us question the sanity of the saints. Every church father is now being diagnosed with a disorder or mental illness. Even worse these heroes and fourruners of the faith are also being labeled as...

The Church (A Mighty Fortress is Our God)

150.  EIN' FESTE BUG. Martin Luther, 1483-1548 1. A might-y  for-tress is our God, A bul-wark nev-er  fail  - ing Our help-er he a-mid the flood Of mor-tal ills pre-vail - ing For still our an-cient foe Doth seek to work us woe; His craft and power are - great. And armed with cru-el hate, On earth is not his e - qual. 2. Did we in our own strength con-fide Our striv-ing would be los - ing Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God's own choos - ing Dost ask who that may be? Christ Je-sus, it is he; Lord Sa-ba-oth his Name, from age to age the same, And he must win the bat -tle. 3. And though his world, with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us; We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us; The prince of darkness grim, We tremble not for him; His rage we can endure. For lo! his doom is sure, One little word shall fell him. 4. That word above all earthly powers, No thanks to them, abideth; The...