They are remaking Jesus Christ Superstar, and have cast Cynthia Ervio to play Jesus Christ ( The sacrilege of this is unprecedented. Cynthia is Transgender Woman, but she clearly is still a woman biologically, and to play Jesus who was a Human Man, who is the Son of Man and Son of David, and even in Deity The Son of God is sacrilegious and insane! If anyone was making a movie about Buddha or The Prophet Muhammad and did this, there would not only be reprisals, the project would be shutdown. It is evident that the spirit of antichrist is at work, "" (2 Thess 2), and that what we are seeing is an all out assault from Hollywood on our Faith. I do not personally have a stake against Ervio, she has gained great notoriety playing The Wicked Witch of the West to Be in Wicked, and now she is going to desecrate our Lord in cinema. There has been a real move to feminize God, in ...