The Legend of Zelda is perhaps the most famous series of video games. The story revolves around a Princess named Zelda being abducted or assailed by an evil sorcerer called Ganon, also known as Ganondorf, who seeks to twist the World of Hyrule into darkness. Rising up as a knight to help the Princess is Link, the titular hero that the player plays with his usually green tunic and cap, pointy ears, and Master Sword (Exalibur) and shield. No matter what evils await, or tribulations, Link fights Ganon and his schemes till the bitter end. At the center of this conflict is The Triforce, a triangle of triangles, each separated into a shard of Courage, Wisdom, and Power. Link possesses Courage, Zelda has Wisdom and Ganon has Power. Since A Link to A Past & Ocarina of Time, the three pieces of the Triforce are of three goddesses worshipped by Hylians, Din the goddess of Power, Nayru the goddess of Wisdom, and Farore the goddess of Courage. The Triforce is split between three, G...