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Showing posts from September, 2015

The Threats to Knowing Christ (Originally The Mystery of God)

  As Christians in the West there is propensity to intellectualizes God into theology, history, soteriology (study of salvation), and more. Many Evangelicals, Baptists, and prominate Protestant churches have an answer for every question regarding the Lord and His ways. There are bullet point explanations, Aristotelian arguments, and carefully drafted descriptions and details about every point of Christ divinity, humanity, and sanctity. These studies are not in themselves wrong, the councils were paramount in settling points of doctrine and genuine orthodox faith. We need to understand and at least grasp what we believe or how else can we believe it? The problem has become that this academic or scholastic approach to the faith has passed its usefulness for posterity and has become a religion of its own. Pastors, teachers, and theologians try to regale and give riveting rhetoric to excite and " tickle the ears of people ." (2 Timothy 4:3). From the pulpit to today's...

Why Children Are Disinterested in Spirituality and How To Change It

It seems that children these days are disinterested with the spiritual and more interested in fictional. While many youths are raised in church, they seem to wait tell Sunday School is over so that they can get out their Game Boys. What causes this disconnect with the divine? Why are many young people not drawn to Light and would rather fight in virtual realms for empty trophies and titles? Has the church failed to be relevant or adapt to the needs of these younger generations? Why are they bored and yearn to be in worlds beyond theirs, but fail to connect with the real world beyond which is spiritual? Brian Gilcrest said, "people don't want reality, they want the fantasy." (Aloha, 2015). This sentiment Gilcrest shares when he tells SGT. Ng about why his wife left him, a real soldier, for a man who sells comic books about fake soldiers and superheroes. The world wants to live in delusion and children are no different. When you tell a child, you can be involved in a w...

The Intern: Review

"The Intern" starring Ann Hathaway and Robert DeNiro is the story of Ben Whittaker (DeNiro) who after retirement decides he needs "to fill the hole in his heart." Ben decides upon find an ad, to apply for a job as an intern e-commerce company that was founded and started by Jules Ostin (Hathaway). Whittaker is hired because the company has decided to start a program for Senior Citizens that allows them to have entry level jobs and contribute their experience. DeNiro immediately stands out in his debonair suite and his can do attitude. The entire office and even Mrs. Ostin grows to love him. The film like many of Nancy Meyer's previous films "The Holiday," "It's Complicated," and "Something's Gotta Give" all have charm, class, and comedy rolled into one. Each presents a moral problem that is resolved by the end, "The Holiday" being yourself and finding your true love, "Something's Gotta Give" ...

War Against the Dragon

Our war as Christians is not against persons, but powers (Ephesians 6:12). We face a throng of foes whose identities remain hidden to most. They hide from those without " ears to hear and eyes to see ." (Mark 8:18, Matthew 13:16). The devil and his demons make war on us, and that war will be waged daily. The serpent of old, the dragon, the devil seeks to " kill, steal, and destroy ," (John 10:10) us. He lurks in wait, that old Lucifer, waiting to lung upon the Lord's anointed. Spiritual warfare has been majorly ignored since the 18th century. The deception that we are wiser these days, and that most demonic activity can be attributed to chemical imbalances has made most disciples of Christ unaware of the spiritual war. The devil and his horde of demons have become folklore to the today's 'sophisticated' society. The legion of evil that once plagued man's thoughts and mind are now considered medieval mythology and mystical tales. It is unde...

Genocide of the Innocent

The genocide of the innocence, abortion was today once again endorsed by Congress. The Senate decided to block the "Anti-abortion bill." The genocide of children has it origins in ages past. The most infamous form of child sacrifice was by the Canaanite peoples to a god named Moloch (also spelled Molech, Molek, Milcom, and Melek). The Canaanites would heat up the arms of their giant idol to searing red and place their children on it, which not only burned but instantly killed the child. You can find Molech worship in the Bible and confronted by God and Israelites in the following passages: " 'Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek (Molech), for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD." (Leviticus 18:21), "I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name." (Leviticus 20:3). " The M...

The Refugree Crisis in Europe (2015)

I have been following the Refugee Crisis that is hitting Europe, Greece, and will be coming to America. My concern is that everyone is toting compassion for these people supposedly fleeing conflict zones. However, having watched the crisis I am concerned about more than some members of ISIS infiltrating Western Countries through this mass migration. I have compassion for any Christian brothers and sisters who are trying to escape persecution, but I fear this maybe a perfect invasion. Most of the people I've seen on CBN News trying to enter Europe, Greece, and other countries are predominately Muslim; The people trying to enter Hungary, Greece, Germany, Sweden, and more are Muslim. What if this is invasion? Its perfect from a military point of view. Rather than showing up with soldiers and weapons, people get into the Western Countries and set up their families with the pity and help of the people they intend to replace and kill in the cause of Jihad Akbar (Holy War):...

90 Minutes in Heaven: Review (Spoilers)

There has been consecutive amount of Christian films coming out this month. It started with "War Room," continued with "90 Minutes in Heaven" and will culminate with "Captive" which released today. I am encouraged that wholesome Christian films are being released in theaters with the hope that it will send a message to Hollywood and help reach unbelievers. However, I cannot ignore that Christian cinema has a tendency to be cheesy and less cinematic than the more blockbuster films. I would prefer there be more epics with bigger budgets like the upcoming "Risen" film in January. "90 Minutes in Heaven," is about a pastor named Don Piper played by Hayden Christenson who gets in a horrible car crash and goes to heaven. It has been sometime since we last saw Hayden in " Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith ." It is ironic that Vader became a Vicar, that the "Chosen One" is now Chosen  (Matt. 22:14). That Hayden...

Idols In The Church

  I have often talked about the gods that people serve. The idols that even Christians embrace such as Mammon (god of money) and even the Pantheon that Hollywood peddles. In this post I am going to revisit some false gods many believers are bowing to. The goal of this post will be to show how brothers and sisters in Christ are serving other gods, when Scripture clearly says we are to love and serve only the One True God. Idolatry has been problem throughout history, the Church is not alone in its failure to serve only the True Trinity, Israel many times chose to serve other false gods like Baal, Ashtoreth, Molech, and more; and God dealt with them through Assyrian, Babylon, and Rome. So let us embark on journey to see how other gods have gotten hold of God's People and how we are to break free of idolatry and serve The One True Trinity: Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy spirit. Perhaps the number one god that Christians serve beside the Divine Trinity is the go...


I recently finished a book on church history and it astounding me how the movements of God were often met with judgement. Christ was doing new things from Catholicism to Charismaticism, but pointing the finger always followed. Rather than use churches as examples, let me get to a simple point. The whole church, which includes every Trinitarian denomination from High Church to Spirit Filled has been guilty of judgementalism. But rather than say who is guilty of what, I would rather stress that we have all "fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23). Jesus Christ said, " Do not judge so that you will not be judged.    For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.   Why do you look at the speck that is in your brotherā€™s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye ?" (Matthew 7:1-3). Our God and Savior was trying to teach us something so important. We have brothers and sisters in Christ a...