Since the advent of Television there has been concern and criticism. Early fundamentalists called the first TVs "devil boxes". David Wilkerson, the late pastor of Time's Sqaure Church was laughed off the pulpit when he prophesied that pornography and pernicious programs would be available via TV. His prophecy came true. What is very disturbing about Television is its power to bespell people with its hypnotic waves and keep them couch bound for hours upon hours. Originally to amuse ourselves we had to participate in physical activities such as sports. This trance TVs leaves people in has deprived many believers from entering God's Tabernacle. Entertainment has such a grip on us that it has turned our minds from meditation on The Lord to Television. On the other hand there are TV programs that can enhance faith such as TBN, EWTN, and list of other Christian Shows. However, despite the good that comes forth from the screen that dominates our homes, there is much d...