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Showing posts from 2025

How To Use Lent in Spiritual Warefare

      Many battle addiction and strongholds in their lives from alcholism to pornography, and many others. They find they make promises time and time again to the Lord that this is the day they will shed this weakness and even plead with The Almighty to strengthen them to resist temptation. This cycle of addiction includes the promise to change, and in the end there is no fruit. The reason is that addiction is multi-faceted. There is a chemical aspect in the pain that activates pleasure centers like Dopamine, Serotonin, and other chemicals. There is that stress in your life raise cortisol and that makes you gravitate to this release and escape from the bad feelings. However, in addition to the biological and mental aspects of addiction, there is a spiritual one, the demonic. There is a such thing as generational sin, we have proven this with science that those from alcoholics have genes that predispose them to alcoholism, and I have seen in my life as people from lustful ...

Jesus Christ Superstar Remake

    They are remaking Jesus Christ Superstar, and have cast Cynthia Ervio to play Jesus Christ ( The sacrilege of this is unprecedented. Cynthia is Transgender Woman, but she clearly is still a woman biologically, and to play Jesus who was a Human Man, who is the Son of Man and Son of David, and even in Deity The Son of God is sacrilegious and insane! If anyone was making a movie about Buddha or The Prophet Muhammad and did this, there would not only be reprisals, the project would be shutdown. It is evident that the spirit of antichrist is at work, "" (2 Thess 2), and that what we are seeing is an all out assault from Hollywood on our Faith.  I do not personally have a stake against Ervio, she has gained great notoriety playing The Wicked Witch of the West to Be in Wicked, and now she is going to desecrate our Lord in cinema. There has been a real move to feminize God, in ...

Cobrai Kai Never Dies: The End of The Netflix Series

  WARNING! MAJOR SPOILERS  There is so much emotion to process. I have been watching Cobra Kai since it debuted on Netflix in 2020. Five years later and the series has had its matches and its epic clashes, but above all the themes of honor, mentorship, trust, love, reconciliation and redemption prevail no matter what reveals or tensions rise. I have to say that seeing Mr. Miyagi fight alongside Daniel San in some sort of AI CGI mixed with captures of he great actor was amazing, and Johnny Lawerance getting his second chance to be champion was not something I expected. The series has really come full circle, with so many great moments. I though it was neat Daniel becomes Johnny's Cobra Kai Sensei and he trains him on the beach, the very place their rivalry began in the original Karate Kid, and that it is Daniel that helps Johnny find the balance he needs to Strike Hard and become World Champion.  I have to say that one of my favorite characters is Kreese, a Vietnam Vet who...

The Twins That Keep People Open to The Gospel

   Athiests and those resistant to the Gospel of Christ have an easier time keeping their walls up when all is going well, when their health is good and death is not on their mind. Then the sobering twins hit, you are in hospital and your strength is sapped, or someone your age, even someone very young dies, and you come to realize that you are not promised tomorrow. Illness and Death help lend perspective, and urge people to come to repentance, and believe the testimony of Jesus Christ. It is a moment when someone is facing a debilitating disease, or death has struck in their life, to seek the only One who cured the sick, "Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people," (Matthew 4:23) and defeated death, " Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God!...

The Reason Why Christians Should Not Celebrate Valentine's Day

The Roman Catholic Church is maddening. They established the canon of Scripture, and threw out the false gnostic gospels and books and yet their Hail Mary Prayer is from the gnostic gospel of Mary, and St. Valentinus, whom they venerate on February 14th is a gnostic theologian! To explain it quickly and not muddle minds, gnostic Christians are not Christians, they either believed Jesus was divine and not human (which is confronted by Apostle John, "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the human body (flesh). Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist," -2 John 1:7, cross ref 1 John 4:2) or he was a man who was not divine to teach the way to salvation through a life style and teachings.In contrast we Biblical Christians believe Jesus is God and Man (John 1:14, Colossians 2:9, Titus 2:13) , and is the Savior, Salvation is in Him (John 3:16, John 6:40, John 14:6), "Salvation is found in no one else!...

The Focus We Need to Have

  A New Barna Group study discovered that Half of people in churches in the US do not believe Satan exists, and roughly one third of people believe Jesus sinned in his life time ( This is troubling, firstly Satan does exist (Ezekiel 28, Genesis 3, Revelation 12), to strip away the belief that we have an enemy, is to call into question so many Scriptures, including Jesus being tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11). Remove the devil, and removing God is next. This is exactly what BLANK (History book) did, they stripped down the Scriptures to support their own ideas and doctrines, "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome doctrine. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear," (2 Timothy 4:3), "Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn a...

We Need A Communion Revival!

  In an attempt to distance ourselves from Roman Catholicism, Protestants in history tended to downplay the other sacraments or mysteries that the Church practiced. Martin Luther recognized only two sacraments: Baptism and The Lord's Supper, known also as The Eucharist and The Communion. Most churches observe Baptism, to become a member of the Body of Christ it is seen as a fufillment of the words of The Apostle Paul, " if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. " (Romans 10:9-10). That you are confessing your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord before witnesses. However, the Second Sacrament, Holy Communion is not emphasized equally in all denominations. Anglicans, Lutherans, and mostly High Churches practice The Communion every Sabbath, every Sunday Service, making it the center piece aside fro...

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 The Movie Review

   I grew up on Sonic The Hedgehog. One of my first games was playing Sonic The Hedgehog on Sega Genesis. I remember how much I loved the Blue Blur, how when I got my copy of Sonic 2 The Game, rented Sonic 3 at Blockbuster, and when for a birthday I got Sonic & Knuckles with the cartridge that allowed you to be Knux in Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 I was on cloud nine! (Near the Death Egg maybe haha). My passion for SEGA's answer to The Plumber Mario grew as I got into the Archie Comics, learning about the Freedom Fighters like Sally Acorn, Rotor, Bunny Rabot, and Antoine D'Coolette in The Sonic SatAM cartoon and the comics. I coveted my Sonic The Hedgehog Movie (Anime, OVA) which pitted the Fastest Thing Alive against Robotnik's Sonic doppelgänger robot Metal Sonic (Called Mecha Sonic sometimes in the comics and games). Then as I entered my adolescence, Sonic evolved too, the Adventure Era spread to Archie comics and the games, Adventure with Perfect Chaos, and Adventure 2 which...

How History Works and A Warning to Western Civilization

   History and how it operates tends to fall into two forms, there is cyclical view, which claims that history and nations go through a circle of rise, golden age, decline, destruction or rebirth. In this view we are "doomed to repeat history," to an extent, because its hardwired in our world. The Linear view of history and nations states that we are headed to final cataclysmic event, the end of the world or end of human history. Most would say that Bible affirms the linear view, that we are headed to the End of This World (Revelation 21, 2 Peter 3:10) and The Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, in Scripture the Lord does affirm the cyclical nature of history, when he says, "nations will rise, and nations will fall," (Job 12:23) and King Solomon, "for everything there is a season, a time to live, a time to die, a time to destroy and a time to build up." (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3). This has lead to hybridization of the the cyclical and linear view, ...

The Blessing of the Storm

  When we think of blessings, we like to think of positive things like our family, friends, something that happened to us that was comforting. We like to think blessings are things like prosperity, but the Bible has a different definition. Our Lord Jesus says, "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." (Matthew 5:11) Wait we are blessed when persecuted and mistreated?! Yes indeed, the Apostle Peter even says, "But even if you should suffer because of righteousness, you are blessed. And you should not be afraid of their threats, neither should you be troubled." (1 Peter 3:14). What the?! Yes the storm can be a blessing, and yet that is not how we like to think of it. Remember when the storm hit the apostles in boat and Jesus walked on the water, it looked bad, and yet it was a blessing for they saw The Lord demonstrate his dominion over the weather by stilling the storm, and that He is God by ...

Persecution of Christians Globally On The Rise

  Persecution of Christians is on the rise globally. The ICC (International Christian Concern) has been documented in a 116pg report that over 300 Million Christians are being subjected to persecution in the form of imprisonment, torture, punishments, and even assassination! In Nigeria, Africa Christian Farmers are being run off their farms in the millions; they are mutilated even and if they return they are subjected to further mistreatment. How are we in The West turning a blind eye to Christian brothers and sisters suffering?! Oh we have pastors making millions (you know their names) while our family in Christ is being carved up, put in concentration camps, yes there are camps the size of Washington D.C. that Christians are being kept in and slowly exterminated! ( Our Holocaust is happening! And no one is talking about it save CBN News! The estimated persecuted when...