Today marks the day that The Catholic tyranny broke. For a thousand years The Roman Catholic Church exercised such control over people’s lives, that they had one whole volume by Jean de Gerson on Masturbation where the confessor had to explain what they were thinking, feeling, ache, wayward thought and every nuance of the act to determine their penance! Masturbation was even considered worse than incest and rape!, “The obligation of Christians to confess their sins to a priest is not in the Bible, but medieval writers, drawing on several ambiguous passages, maintained that such an act was mandated by divine law. In 1215, this requirement was made binding by the papal decree Omnis utriusque sexus. At least once a year- preferably at Easter- all adult Christians were expected to confess. To help priests carry out this task, numerous confessor manuals were produced. These listed the different types of sins, weighted their seriousness, and suggested questions to ask. The sins covered...