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Showing posts from October, 2020

Stand With Armenia!

  Azerbaijan and Turkey with Islamic Militant Mercenaries have started a war with Christian Armenia, killing hundreds and wounding thousands. We must stand with Armenia, who was subjected to the Turkish 1915 Genocidal Campaign that killed over 1.5 Million Armenians because they were Christian (See the movie The Promise , starring Christian Bale and Oscar Isaacs). I happen to have friends, who lost their grandparents to the genocide, and heard first hand their parent’s harrowing journey to safety.  What is alarming is Israel is arming Azerbaijan . The Jewish State is considering putting its arm deals with Azerbaijan on hold, however israel is allies with both Azerbaijan and Armenia, “Israel has strong ties with both countries, making it hard for it to maintain its neutrality. Azerbaijan has a particularly strategic relationship with the Jewish State because it supplies large amounts of fuel to Israel. Meanwhile, Israel is believed to supply up to 60% of Azerbaijan’s weapon s...

The Twilight of Building

  The Lord God told David through His Prophet Nathan that he did not want a temple made of cedar (2 Samuel 7:1-53). Then Christ the Lord died on the cross and the veil in the Temple was tore in two (Matthew 27:49-51). The Lord then through his apostles made it clear that we, Christian believers in Jesus Christ are the temples of God. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). So then why if God never wanted a house of cedar and has now made us Christians the stones making up his Church (Ephesians 2:21-22) do church buildings exist? Why is it so important to have a building if God did not want one in the first place and made it futile after Calvary?  The answer is always ego, that a man wants to leave behind s legacy not to honor God but himself. Constantine The Great ordered the building of cathedrals like St. Peter’s Basilica and The Hagia Sophia, not to honor God with his piety but  to honor himself, you can still see mosaics of Constantine with Jesus and the Virgin Mary, drawing attenti...

The Purpose of The Pandemic: Jesus is My All

  The world seems to be altering at a pace few can cope with. It was announced recently over seven thousand movie theaters will close worldwide due to Covid. These cinemaplexes will not be reopening, they are selling. It is as if the Coliseum is collapsing, movie theaters have been a staple of comfort and entertainment. Now we are facing a future without them.   So much change, no more indoor proms, school parties,  aports stadium events. Even Disney announced it is laying off over twenty-eight thousand workers at their parks because of a lack of attendance. Even Disneyland may in foreseeable future be shut down except in Florida. Everyone’s vacations and sense of normalcy is fading into an abyss, it is in this vacuum of dissapontment when people may feel they have nothing anymore, that we need to tell them they can have Jesus. Tne Apostle Paul wrote under the direction of the Holy Spirit these words, “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite va...

The Gold of Suffering

  The Church is under a sifting around the world. The houses of worship are being closed due to Covid and many are facing trials that are consuming their time such as illness, financial loss, and even persecution. The days of when our Lord Jesus let us sail with ease on the Sea of Galilee have now turned into a storm. We are being thrown out of the boat of safety, and now must walk on the stormy seas to our Savior as Peter did without sinking.  There is a progression to Our Lord Jesus ministry on earth. It begins with miracles and acclaim from the world, everyone likes a healer and who can multiply fishes and loaves, but then Christ abandons this and tells the crowds, “you must now eat my flesh and drink my blood.” (John 6:53, Paraphrased). Jesus was not urging people to become cannibals, He would explain this at the Last Supper, but it contains a fundamental message in addition to the New Covenant message, “disciples the free bread and easy fishing is over, the time of sheddi...